Void of our life: a comprehensive story.

Anshika Srivastava
3 min readJul 19, 2023
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Unsplash

Imagine your 3 again. What would you do differently this time? Will you choose not to meet a person, react differently in any circumstances or anything else? We laugh each day, cry sometimes, and get angry one or two times a day or week.

Humans possess an inherent drive for ambition, constantly striving for personal growth, achievements, and success. Equally significant are their deep-seated yearnings for meaningful connections and relationships, seeking love, companionship, and a sense of belonging that enriches their lives and brings profound joy and fulfilment.

However, because we feel a lot, sometimes in the end we feel nothing. It’s because of so many intense emotions, in the end our brain doesn't know how to really process it and we end up feeling nothing in particular.There is a void inside all or many of us. This void unlike anger and frustration doesn’t go away with a cup of coffee or ice cream, it stays there. Always.

We try doing new things, new hobbies, new people, more new. But still nothing changes. This happens because we’re not actually working on what we’re supposed to work at. When change that is actually needed isn’t made, nothing really changes. No matter how much we go ahead trying new things, it won’t be different. Because the source of the problem is inside us, which we’re trying to look outside for. The same way, the very solution of the problem is inside us, not outside.

Researchers have investigated phenomena such as existential crises, nihilism, and existential angst, which involve a sense of emptiness or a perceived lack of purpose in life.

Existential psychology, a branch of psychology, focuses on understanding and addressing issues related to human existence, including questions of meaning, freedom, and personal responsibility. Psychologists such as Viktor Frankl and Rollo May have made significant contributions to this field.

So, if you have a void inside you, although you may already know this you’re suffering through existential crises or etc.


Now the question arises, How do we solve this? We know our problem very well, what we need is a solution. The solution is self reflection and self awareness. Knowing the cause of your void is the first way to heal. If you know why you have something, it’s easier to solve it. Suppose, if you always fail to have a good relationship with others because of your fear of abandonment, the only way to fix it is to reassure yourself and bring yourself emotional security.


In conclusion, the human experience encompasses a wide range of emotions and desires, including the pursuit of ambition, connection, and belonging. Yet, amidst the intensity of these experiences, a void can emerge, leaving us feeling empty and unfulfilled. The solution lies not in external distractions or superficial changes but in the depths of our own self-reflection and self-awareness. By delving into the cause of our void and addressing it with emotional security and reassurance, we can embark on a transformative journey towards healing, purpose, and a genuine sense of fulfilment. Remember, the answers we seek reside within us, waiting to be discovered and embraced.



Anshika Srivastava

A writer, Graphic designer, and student. I try to find the most ordinary things to make them unique.